Friday, November 5, 2010

First blog.. It's all about Jesus....

Well, guess I'm playing catchup with the rest of my blogger friends... and those out there that I haven't met yet... My first blog... next to facebook... and it's to praise the Lord for saving me, for watching over me and my family, and for the gazillion blessings He has brought to my life.  Where would I be without His love... a lost lamb.

I started this blog for several reasons, but the most important is to share the love of Jesus and so many blessings I've seen over all the years.  Another is to just speak what's in my heart, and hopefully, someone out there, somewhere, will be blessed and gain strength.  Let's face it, people need the Lord.  They need to know they are not alone.  That is really important.  One of my favorite passages in the Bible... "Trust in the Lord with all your might, and lean not unto your own understanding... In all they ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths".  Proverbs 3:5-6.  I have literally lived on those two verses for decades now, and I am a survivor, because my strength came from the Lord.

This blog will take us on some lows, and some highs.  Only mentioned the lows because, again, people really need to know that they are not alone.  The highs... are really pretty incredible.  Stay with me..

1 comment:

  1. I wish success for you in your blog and that your worthwhile goal be reached. It will not be easy to write regularly and to present your point with ease each and every time. You will have triumph and disappointments. May God bless others through your writing. I also have a blog (Trooper,trooperthinks)that I invite you to follow and provide your comments. Another Face Book writer, Mary Wood Phipps, appears regularly on FB. I recommend you 'Friend' her and follow her blog. Her husband Dale is pastor of the church where Cheri and Kevin were members for several years and Kevin was Worship and music director. Arlie
