Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Toto, We're Not in Kansas Anymore....

Oh, the quest of finding a home church. Looked near, looked far, looked near again.. looked on the web. Alas, didn't find it. Have been searching for awhile now... don't have my expectations too high, nor too low. Atmospheres and sermons have changed so much in the last decade, it's hard to recognize a good, down to earth, honest to goodness place of worship.

I'm wondering what happened to the pastors that brought forth the word of God in such a manner, that even though you knew the Lord, it made you just want to get saved all over again?! You know what I'm talking about.. the kind of preaching that literally and physically tugged at your heart strings and let you know that the most important thing in your life was your relationship with the Lord. Where are those pastors with those messages and invitations? And the music, I'll try not to stay on that subject too long.... what happened? Okay, there are young people out there, but then again on the other hand... oldies but goodies are always a good thing! So why must I sit through a service that has really loud drums, pounding sounds, and music so loud there's no way to comprehend the words to that worship song?

So, here's my 2 cents... Have the contemporary music, but don't forget about the rest of us here.. the one's that still hold precious to our hearts "How Great Thou Art" and "Amazing Grace". I like pretty much all genres of gospel music. Just not the same style the entire service. Leave room for this or that song, to bless this lady or that family, or that young person. Leave room for the Lord to work in the music ministry...

Jesus didn't just minister to the towns people... he went to the sea and ministered to those fishing, and the children, as well as the workers in the fields. He went to all walks of people.

Let us remember that there are "all walks of people" and we all strive to hold the Lord so close to our hearts. I'm trusting in Jeremiah 29:11, and wanting to quote John 3:17:

"For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". Lord help us to realize that we need to minister to the world, not just a few. Help us to look to you for our guidance and strength.. Help us to love you more and more and to find our way home.